GENERATOR Mind is both the process and the result of understanding, developing, and nurturing mental health, psychology, and personal growth. Our courses aim to empower individuals by enhancing their emotional intelligence, improving mental wellness, and promoting personal transformation. The knowledge gained through our programs is not just academic; it’s a path to self-discovery and a better life. At GENERATOR Mind, we believe in cultivating a mindset that can serve as a foundation for lasting well-being and growth.

A psychologist’s and mental health expert’s decisions have a direct impact on the well-being and personal growth of individuals.y

Dreams of becoming a psychological consultant.


Upon completion of the course, you will confidently apply all the relevant counseling and psychological assistance tools learned during the course in practice.

Wants to solve his psychological problems.


Do you have issues at work, constant stress at home, and difficulties with self-acceptance? In our courses, you will learn to cope with anxiety, low self-esteem, and other psychological problems that prevent you from living happily.

Wants to apply psychology in their work.


Are you a marketer, teacher, manager, or a representative of any other profession that requires interaction with people? Knowledge of psychology will enhance your effectiveness.

Interested in psychology and wants to learn more.


Do you often encounter conflict people and want to understand their behavior better? Upon completing the course, you will gain a deeper understanding of the people around you and the reasons behind their actions.

Narrow Specialization Courses for Beginner Counseling Psychologists


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Where We Are?

5678 Maple Street

San Francisco, CA 94110